Pain boss Krippla


This miniature consists of one Big Dok with all the tools ya need to chop up a wounded grunt. It comes in 10 parts, this includes two optional heads to choose from, one with a little brother eye and one with a surgical mask and exposed brain. His backpack surgery kit comes with two medical equipment options. The miniature includes a really cool klaw for performing quick battlefield operations and laborkamies. This miniature also comes with a 40mm plain base.

Big Dok Krippla is good at fixin’ the ladz when they need it or even if they don’t. He loves a good brain swap, he’s got a little brother eye for extra good seein’ and he always wears a rubber glove before jabbin’ boyz, because you know, hygiene is important when you’re fiddling with orc brains and that.

This product is worth 15 points.

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