Grim Churchill Main Battle Tank / Flame Tank


The Grim Churchill Main Battle Tank includes all the Grim features you know and love such as rotating turret, hull weapon and sponsons with pre-made holes for weapon magnetization and a compartment in the hull to hold extra weapons. The sponsons are prepped to be magnetized from the inside so you can choose to use them or not and the magnets are not visible on the bare hull. Rear turret bustle is also prepped for magnets for future options as are the optional pintle weapons. It is the perfect size for heroic 28/32mm wargaming.
This tank also comes with options to style it as your favourite FLAME TANK or PLASMA TANK using a flame turret and fuel tank bustle or heavy plasma cannon and plasma coil bustle.

WEAPON OPTIONS include one Main weapon and Bustle, one Hull weapon, one Pintle weapon and optional two Sponson(side) weapons;

Main Weapon; Main Battle Cannon (A). Anti Tank Cannon(B). Twin Laser(C). Twin Autocannon (D). Heavy Plasma Cannon (E). Siege Cannon (F). Gatling Cannon (G). Demolisher Cannon (H).

Hull/Sponson weapons; Plasma (1). Heat Gun (2). Laser Cannon (3). MG (4). Flamer (5)

Pintle; MG. Stormbolter.

Front to back including fenders/treads(but not main cannon) is 143mm. Width including treads is 80mm. Not including treads is 50mm. Height including turret is 75mm, not including turret 48mm.

This Tank comes in 18 parts without the sponsons and 26 parts with the sponsons that will need to be assembled. Magnets NOT included.


Main Gun between A-H.

Hull/Sponsons(side weapons) between 1-5.

See description for weapon option details.


Main weapon;



Pintle MG or Stormbolter;

This product is worth 40 points.

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