Savage gitz clans love to farm massive mobs of runtz. A warboss can find all sorts of uses for them, such as feeding them to the pigs, clearing minefields or soaking up bullets while the proper boyz get stuck in. Most savage gitz don't really know how to use 'dem fancy gunz wot dey stole from dem uvver gitz', but they've figured out their own way. Many of these gitz are using their weapons incorrectly, but still getting a result of sorts.
This set has some characterful runtz for you to include in your orc armies. One runt is shooting a bullet arrow through his gun barrel, one has fashioned a gun hammer, one doesn't understand the concept of recoil, and one is known by the ladz as 'Teamkill'.
These runtz are dressed in hooded robes, making painting easier and quicker, but also allowing you to include them in non-savage gitz armies. For example they will fit in well with moon-style clans, or if you paint them red they will work well in your impriul gitz armies too!
This set of miniatures can make 10 unique savage gitz runtz. The set comes with 10 models, each as single parts. The set also comes with 25mm bases.